Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

Pengen nge-Band tapi gak punya temen yang se-jalan

Oke, gw ini gitaris, amatir sih.. pengen bikin band nih. Band yang bisa go international (mimpi gw -_-) tapi gapunya temen.. gitar electric aja ngandelin dari studio.
seandainya ketemu teman-teman yang asik... gausah yang jago deh, yang jago bisa main musik biasanya gw diremehin mulu.
ada yang mau nge-band sama gw? mention @wildanramdhany :)

Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

Should i give up with all of these?

Everything has changed, All is not as conducive olden.
When i was kid if i want i'll get it, It's true what people says that the wheel of life will always revolve.
if once I was in the middle, Now i'm at the bottom of wheel.
And i don't know what should I do now. Hoping? I had no idea,  I didn't really believe in hope.
But i still believe in GOD.. only GOD who can help His servant who stained with sins


Senin, 11 Juni 2012


This month in Europe's biggest football show is in progress, and my favourite in EURO is english and italy for a candidate to be a champion!